How does Kubernetes work?
How kubernetes work and how does cloud deployment work? Today we have infrastructure as code meaning that we are in a declarative environment where we specify what resources we need… Read More »How does Kubernetes work?
How kubernetes work and how does cloud deployment work? Today we have infrastructure as code meaning that we are in a declarative environment where we specify what resources we need… Read More »How does Kubernetes work?
In this article we’ll talk about Kubernetes and Cloud deployment. We’ll have a short history of what was deploying an application before Docker, Cloud, Virtualization and Kubernetes.Also cloud infrastructure via… Read More »Why Kubernetes and cloud deployment happened and the history behind it.
In addition to live video workflow, let’s have a general idea on the Video on demand or VOD workflow. This is an example of a VOD workflow, there could be… Read More »How does video on demand work?
After we looked at how VOD works, let’s look at a live workflow for example broadcasters use when they are streaming a live video channel 24/7 So in this case,… Read More »How does live streaming work?